DVD & CD-ROM Replication Short Run Duplication Blank Disc Silk Screen Paper Printing Software Boxes Sleeves and Mailers



Since there are a variety of CD & DVD Master formats for replication, carefully choose the one that is appropriate for your purposes. As you will note eDoc Publish Inc. provides mastering playback capabilities on virtually every format that is available. We are here to provide both production and technical assistance that will ultimately give you the lowest cost solution for your CD & DVD replication needs.

CD/DVD Premastering Services and Specifications


To guarantee that you receive the best looking finished product we ask that you carefully review the requirements for the printing of both the label area on the DVD itself and also the specifications for the printed parts and other special packaging if applicable. DVD because of its many variations does have some very stringent restrictions on the printing on the DVD. If the materials you supply are not within eDoc Publish specifications, there can be a delay in production and possibly extra charges if some of the packaging process becomes manual instead of automated.

Film Output Services

Electronic Artwork Templates

Artwork templates for Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXPress, and PageMaker are available to our customers.